Also in the Netherlands, all work is done 100% by volunteers. Our priority is to promote sustainability for underprivileged and orphaned children. In addition, we help to promote self-help groups that do micro-financing activities.
The project has currently 200 sponsored children. Even people of Doorn and Maarn have already decided to sponsor children who were in dire need of support. These programs are done in close collaboration with the NGO READ.
It is important to educate the youth about environmental problems.
To promote education, we are also supporting two schools. The pictures below show the old Mother Teresa School, which collapsed, and the new school that was inaugurated in 2008, and for which we are now raising money to help build up infrastructure and train teachers.
Successful fundraising:
So far in 2011, Joan and Klaas have already raised € 3.546
They have been selling home-made banana jam as an original fundraiser!

In 2008-2009, Joan and Klaas also visited the projects of READ in India geweest, en hebben daar veel sponsorkinderen ontmoet.
Klaas, die zelf dierenarts is, heeft ook koeien onderzocht.
Do you want to get involved? Don't hesitate: contact Joan and Klaas: joanenklaas 'at' gmail 'dot' com