Our board of directors and officers:
An Van Rompay: Secretary-Treasurer and daily executive officer
An is the sister of Koen, and is a toxicologist. She has been active for years with raising funds for Sahaya and READ in Belgium. In December 2008, she and her husband Raf Van Eyken (engineer) visited the programs of READ. |
Paul Verlodt: Vice-president
Paul has been active for years in secondary education. He spends his free time raising funds for the educational programs of Sahaya International.eu. One of his biggest achievements was raising much of the funds for the construction of the new school building for the Jawahar Matriculation School in Andimadam (India). Giving top-quality education to the poorest of the poor is one of his priorities. Therefore he will soon also give extra training in teaching methods to the teachers of the Jawahar Matriculation School and the Mother Teresa School. In addition, he is very much involved with the orphan sponsorship program of Sahaya International.eu. |
Klaas Soethout en Joan Schelpe
René Marïen
René is a biologist. During his whole career he has been teaching in secondary schools. He also participates in Sahaya's orphan sponsorship program. He has witnessed himself how each euro is spent well for the education and welfare of the child, and how this has a major impact on their future.
Dominique Vandekerchove: Co-founder
Dominique is a Belgian veterinary surgeon who's been sponsoring Indian children for several years. Professionally she's active in scientific research. She realizes very well how important a good education is for underprivileged children. Moreover, the sponsoring program also makes sure that the children receive better nourishment, and medical care when needed ; indispensable for a fair chance in life. |
Jeannine Luyten |
Koen Van Rompay: President
Koen is a Belgian veterinary doctor, who has been active since 1989 as HIV/AIDS researcher at the University of California (USA).
He is also the founder, secretary and treasurer of Sahaya International in de USA. To learn more how Sahaya was started, go here. Koen is the proud sponsor-dad of 10 sons and 5 daughters.
In 2006, the University of Antwerp elected him as their "Alumnus of the Year". He is also the recipient of the "2010 Excellence in Research Award" and the "2010 Community Service Award" by the University of California, Davis. |

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Webmaster: koen@sahaya.org |