In case you wonder:"I don't think I have any special skills....how can I make a difference?"....
By volunteering some time, each of us, including YOU, can make a big difference on the lives of others! The inner satisfaction and richness gained from this process is far beyond your expectations.
Even when you think that you don't have the right qualifications to help, then just sit down for a minute, read the inspiring Indian story (click here) and realize that each of us has unique abilities, and an enormous potential!
We always welcome volunteers, and are always looking for new ideas and suggestions, including new ideas for fundraising projects! You too can make an incredible difference in the life of so many children, who are so appreciative of our efforts to help.
What are possible ways to raise funds?
You can organize fundraisers with your school, parish, youth group or family. Use your creativity to come up with fun ways. Here are a few examples:
- You can buy or sell the beautifully embroidered greeting cards whenever you meet friends and relatives. They also make excellent presents that can be framed.
- Everybody has a jar at home with lots of money change.....ask your friends to donate that change....which together can make a big difference!
- Ask your club (youth group, book club) to sponsor a child together. For example, if your group has 15 members, only 7 cents per member per day gives $30 per month....enough to sponsor a needy child in India or Africa.
- You can host a party with:
- food and drinks
- a slide or movie presentation
- a silent auction
- a "date" auction
- music and dance
- games with prizes donated by local businesses
- A yard sale of items that you or your friends no longer need.
We have brochures, slides, photographs, etc. available to assist you with your fundraising efforts. Please contact us for further information.
Here are a few examples of fundraising activities of the past years:
On March 10, 2001, the schools of the St. Jacob parish in Borsbeek, near Antwerp (Belgium) did a major fundraising event to remember Lent: students and their family and friends went on a 10 km walk or a 30 km bike ride. Thanks to sponsorship, approximately 219,000 Belgian Franks (approx. $ 4,800) was raised to help the educational programs for children in the rural villages in India. Please (click here) to see photographs of this event.
- The school "Koninklijk Atheneum" of Ekeren, led by Paul Verlodt, has done many fundraising activities for the construction of the Jawahar Matriculation School in India. Click here to see some of the pictures.
- September 2007: sale of pens
- October 5 2007: alumni evening with dinner and silent auction
- October 20 2007: park run
- November 26 2007: sale of chocolats
- December 2007: sale of pies and pizzas by CVO (Deurne)
- April 19, 2008: dance party
- November 15 2008: dance party
- Lent 2009: sale of easter eggs
- Walk from Hoogstraten to Antewerp, 2008:
Joke Yzewyn, Laure Vollemaere and Adelheid Peeters walked on March 28, 2008 from the church of Hoogstraten to the cathedral of Antwerp to raise funds for the construction of the Jawahar Matriculation School in India. You can read the newspaper article (in dutch). |
- Deadwalk ("Dodentocht")-Bornem, 2008:
Peter De Meyer is a reporter of the "Gazet van Antwerpen" and dear friend of Sahaya and READ (click here for his articles). He has visited READ twice.
Peter and his friends walked the Dodentocht of Bornem on August 8 2008 and used this as an occasion to raise money for the construction of the Jawahar Matriculation School in India. |

Rivierenhof run 2009:
On Saturday May 16, veterinary doctor Sophie Odent (right on the picture), An Van Rompay, Raf Van Eyke, Miek Desmidt, Bob Proesmans, Bert Vangheluwe, Cil Van Herle, Philippe Van Vooren, and Yves Opsomer ran 5K or 10K as part of this annual run event ("Rivierenhofloop") in Deurne. They raised funds for school materials for the Mother Teresa School of Periyakrishnapuram, which was previousy constructed thanks to funds raised by Sahaya. |

- Langbroek (NL) activities 2008-2009.
During 2008 and 2009, Joan Schelpe and Klaas Soethout have organized yard sales, of which the proceeds were donated to Sahaya. During the annual market of Langbroek on July 4 2009, Joan and Klaas also had a display about Sahaya's programs. Joan also sold home-made banana jam, which was sold out very fast. |

- Did we inadvertently forget your fundraiser? Would you like to contribute to this page? SUPER!
E-mail your story and a photograph to Koen at kkvanrompay@ucdavis.edu.
Many thanks to all volunteers who spent their time and energy to help us reach our goals!

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Webmaster: koen@sahaya.org |